Well, we’ve had some interesting weather the last couple of weeks! Forget the old “four seasons in one day”, the Overberg has new Seasons, until now unknown! We’ve had mist rain, drizzle and thundershowers, with one particularly splendid show of lighting and loud thunder. Breezes, gales, muggy airless days, and gorgeous still days. Temperatures ranging from the lower teens to nearly 40°C. Eerie fog rolling in off the Atlantic, and engulfing us in mysterious, muffled whiteness. This last was very memorable, riding home along the beach, with visibility reduced to a mere few metres, and even the waves sounding peculiarly silenced. A very magical and mystic experience.
Apart from the varied weather, had some exciting findings and sightinigs: we were confronted by a washed up Sperm Whale, apparently quite old, so quite possibly died from natural causes. Sad, but also very interesting, and seeing it so close brought home just how huge these magnificent animals actually are. Gradually, as decomposition took it toll, huge bones stripped clean appeared along the sand that would have done any modern art sculptor proud! And of course, from the massive to the miniscule, a tiny Puffer-fish, all blown-up and pouting, a cute Red Duiker who makes his appearance at the top of dunes fairly frequently these days to warily watch the horses intruding on his territory, and loads of tortoises in many sizes going about their business. Our Fynbos Trail never disappoints, with sitings of African fish eagle, rock kestrals, porcupine quills and baboons hurling insults at us from the high cliffs as we pass by.
I’m always amazed at how every trail is different…
We’ve had some awesome, breathless canters along the surf, and some lovely dips in the ocean, the water pleasantly surprising me by not being too cold.
All in all, a fabulous few past few weeks of horse riding at its very best.